Brandeis University Symposium On “Right-wing Radicalism” depicting the Swastika shows just how far Brandeis University is removed from World War ll and history. The insensitivity of Brandeis University shows that the administration and the faculty do not care about those that they offend. The Swastika represents human torture, medical experiments, rape, mutilation and death. Finally, to associate this unholy of all symbols with American citizens (Tea Party Participants) and their constitutional right to protest their government exposes Brandeis University for their true nature. The organizers of this conference and Brandeis University may be closer to the Nazis then they know. Perhaps the symbol fits Brandeis University. We need to remember that Hitler was elected to power. Please contact Brandeis University to voice your displeasure: Telephone: (781) 736-2756Fax:(781) 736-8140Email: [email protected]