The Obama Administration may not only be destroying the United States economy, the current Administration may also be creating a perfect storm for the destruction of the social fabric that holds the American culture together. Three key forces are at work: (1) Excessive debt, (2) Political division, and (3) Gratuitous entitlements. Together, these forces are transforming the core values of the United States from a culture of success to a culture of dependency. The exceptionality of the United States does not lie with the federal government – far from it. Rather, our strength as a nation rests with its people. From manifest destiny to our footprints on the moon, American ingenuity, creativity and independence have forged a national consciousness which is now being challenged.
Regardless of your economic theory or philosophy, no one could seriously have imagined the United States debt as 11 trillion dollars. Eleven trillion dollars, divided by the U.S. population is over $36,000 in debt for every man, woman and child in the United States. Such a debt loses all meaning and leads to a national state of confusion and chaos. As a result, only the naïve would question why citizens are losing confidence in their government and its leaders. Worse, a sobering assessment issued by Moody’s Investors Service, provided a reminder that even AAA-rated United States Treasury bonds, supposedly the safest of safe investments, could be downgraded if the Obama Administration continues to mismanage the federal debt. “Growth alone will not resolve an increasingly complicated debt equation,” Moody’s said. “Preserving debt affordability” — the ratio of interest payments to government revenue — “at levels consistent with AAA ratings will invariably require fiscal adjustments of a magnitude that, in some cases, will test social cohesion.” By cohesion, we can only conclude a breakdown in the social fabric that holds the United States together: in other words, violence. Is the Obama Administration listening?
The second force behind this perfect storm is the growing division in the United States that has developed in one year since President Obama has taken office. While division is certainly not unique in a free society, it was candidate Obama who promoted the view and campaigned on the position that he would unify and bring the country together. Intentional or not, the Obama Administration has politicized the country in such a way as to make extremism the new normal. Refusing to listen or even respect the majority viewpoint of Americans, the President has been combative, conflicting, and defensive in advocating for his legislative agenda. The American people, benefiting from the individualist, entrepreneurial pathway carved out by the founding fathers, do not respond well when their elected leaders ignore their political will. Nor, do Americans believe that European thinking should be imposed on their free spirited political culture. More division – not less – is likely, if the President continues to argue for a political philosophy that is fundamentally at odds with the values and beliefs of most Americans.
Bridging the growing national debt and increasing political division is the expanding number of entitlements being legislated from Washington D.C. While portrayed in a cloak of morality, elected officials have rejected the notion of personal responsibility and freedom and replaced them with a culture of dependency. Simple common sense and good old fashion American logic are no longer part of the discussion. Hard work, ingenuity, and accountability have been marginalized to the point where now a growing number of Americans are looking to their government for entitlements in the form of handouts, subsidies or employment – all to be paid for by someone else. Policy makers seem to be more concerned with creating a constituency that is less informed and more beholden to them for what they can get or receive from their government. This approach can only lead to greater alienation and anger on the part of most citizens.
Thus, a perfect storm for transforming American society is underway. With little regard or concern for the values and beliefs held by Americans, too many elected officials have turned their back on the capacity and resilience of Americans to act on their own behalf. What has made the United States exceptional is our political and economic culture where all individuals have the potential for greatness. The United States is exceptional because every citizen can use their personal strengths and experiences to be successful. While there are no guarantees, America is a country where hard work and personal responsibility can propel you to success beyond your hopes and dreams. This is not rhetorical commentary or simply a slogan to be placed on a bumper or pasted on a billboard. It is part of our fabric that must be treated with respect and dignity. If our elected officials – regardless of political party – forget or ignore this important part of our culture, there will be a breakdown of our basic institutions and we will surely see more violence and less civility within our communities and society.