SWIVL works to create a ViolenceFree environment by helping individuals, families, communities, and public and private organizations create a culture of success. Factors driving a culture of success, including innovation, creativity, and enterprise, act in combination with a climate of freedom and self-reliance to create an environment where people can work to achieve their full potential. The interaction between a culture of success and a climate of freedom and self-reliance underpins the degree to which people are able to achieve a state of ViolenceFree. Each quadrant below represents the interaction between culture and climate and describes the forces that drive and restrain a successful environment.
Deficit-Based Environment: In a deficit-based environment, conditions exist that discourage individual creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial thinking. Individual deficits and weakness are central, with the goal of identifying external solutions. The marginalizing of personal talents and strengths limits individual capacity and resiliency to self-organize and resolve individual obstacles and challenges. As a result, individuals tend to rely on others and become less responsible and accountable for their own situation. The political dimension in a deficit-based society maintains structural and procedural practices that support a regressive culture and dependent climate where individuals maintain little sovereignty over what they can or cannot achieve for themselves. The result is that individuals tend to be disinterested in personal achievement and success, which ultimately leads to an increased emphasis on controlling external forces.
Repressive-Based Environment: In a repressive-based environment, individuals believe that life has endless possibilities and that they are in control of their own destiny. However, unlike an asset-based environment, individual behaviors are highly regulated and bureaucratic. Through public and private bureaucracy, individual creativity, innovation, and enterprise must conform to external standards and expectations. Other social conditions include affirmative support for specific individuals and groups, and the establishment of centralized goals and objectives to direct individual behaviors. The political dimension in a repressive-based society maintains structural and procedural practices that support a dependent climate where public and private entities continually repress individual sovereignty. In the repressive-based environment, public and private forces restrict personal freedom, ignoring the cultural forces underlying a strong work ethic, productivity, opportunity for all, and a strong future orientation.
Asset-Based Environment: In an asset-based environment, individuals believe that life is has endless possibilities and that people are in control of their own destiny. Individuals are not restricted or conditioned by others and are internally driven. By focusing on talents and strengths, individuals have the capacity and resiliency to overcome challenges and have a maximum amount of freedom to act independently on their own volition. The political dimension in an asset-based society maintains structural and procedural practices that support a progressive culture and independent climate where individuals maintain their sovereignty. Within the asset-based environment individuals have a maximum amount of freedom to pursue their hopes and dreams as long as they do not intentionally physically, emotionally, or psychologically harm others.
Permissive-Based Environment: In a permissive-based environment, individuals do not pursue innovative practices, creativity, or enterprise. While people are free to act in an unobtrusive fashion, individuals self-regulate themselves and others around hedonistic behaviors that create a downward spiral around the mundane and status-quo. Distinguishing the permissive-based environment from the repressive-based environment, individuals act on their own behalf to repress creativity, innovation, and enterprise, using their freedom to exploit and manipulate other individuals and organizations in their environment. The political dimension in a permissive-based society maintains structural and procedural practices that supports an independent climate and protects individual sovereignty. In the permissive-based environment, individual values and beliefs support a culture that rejects a strong work ethic, productivity, opportunity for all, and a strong future orientation.
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